freeofwaste interview

I got interviewed about my transition to Zero Waste.

Anette from SemiDomesticated and photographer Tabea Mathern asked me to show them a few tricks how to shop free of waste at the farmers market. Head over to the website to read the full story.

Here is a little appetizer to the article:


© Tabea Mathern.

‘‘I’m getting used to saying no, as well as just asking for everything packaging free. It becomes a habit.’’

© Tabea Mathern.
© Tabea Mathern.

‘‘Every time I receive a straw that I didn’t want, or I’m unable to get something 100% free of waste, I’m motivated to do even better next time. It gives me a sense of thrill to find new places or items I can get directly into my metal tin or cloth bag.’’

© Tabea Mathern.
© Tabea Mathern.
© Tabea Mathern.
© Tabea Mathern.

Furthermore I am happy to announce that I will be a regular contributer at SemiDomesticated is a mindful lifestyle brand and design consultancy exploring topics related to slow living, sustainable design and conscious consumerism. Look forward to exciting articles about waste reduction, sustainability and of course plenty of Zero Waste tips by yours truly.

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