Documentaries that changed my life – Part 1
People often ask me what inspired me to live a Zero Waste lifestyle. At this point I’ll have to somewhat digress, because it…
Tooth brushing with tooth powder
A question that I get asked quite often is what I use to brush my teeth. Toothpastes often consist of questionable ingredients (keyword: micro…
Girl Talk: Menstrual cup
If you are female and interested in waste prevention and Zero Waste you will quickly have to deal with the topic feminine hygiene. On average a…
No junk mail please
Finally I started to undertake some steps against unsolicited advertising and mailings. Down with the junk mail! It’s incredible how much unwanted mail…
Self-made handkerchiefs
My aspirations to reduce my waste to the smallest amount possible (read: zero) shall be promoted also in the new year. I particularly…
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