P<\/span>eople often ask me what inspired me to live a Zero Waste lifestyle. At this point I\u2019ll have to somewhat digress, because it wasn\u2019t a single event but rather a process that made me want to change my life.<\/p>\n During this process many documentaries shaped my opinion significantly. I\u2019d like to share my favorites with you because they\u2019re super factful regarding our economy, the consumer goods industry as well as how waste arises, waste management, climate change and consumer behavior. Also you\u2019ll recognize how my present mindset evolved\u00a0over the years.<\/p>\n Some of the documentaries were definitely game-changing for me. I\u2019m so glad I stumbled across these films back then.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\nDOCUMENTARIES – PART 1<\/strong><\/h5>\n